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Determined Mustangs split second day of Park tournament

Determined Mustangs split second day of Park tournament

PARKVILLE, MO. – A determined Mustang men's volleyball squad suffered its first loss this season, falling 3-2 at the hands of Westcliff, who is receiving votes, before regrouping and collecting a 3-0 win over Rio Grande to end the weekend on a high note. 

Aggressive serving by the Mustangs attacked the serve-receive aspect of Westcliff's game, as Morningside aced the Warriors 11 times while giving up just three points to receiving errors. Kirby Schmalz led the team in aces, with three, while Tharen Cox, Jacob DePauw, and Owen Anderson each had two.

Natan Alves led Morningside's attack against Westcliff, with 17 kills. Erik Krenz hit .348 for 10 kills to lead the team. Schmalz also reached double digits, with 10 kills. DePauw collected 33 assists in the match, dishing all but 10 of the Mustangs' 43.

Tucker Juhnke led the way in the back row with 10 digs, followed by Anderson, Alves, and DePauw, with seven each. Alves had five blocks, with Cox and Krenz following with four each.

Anderson was the leader in the digs column in the weekend's finale, emerging with nine digs, while Ferdinando Vinti and DePauw each had four digs in the match. Cox' presence in the second match of the day was felt as he had seven blocks, while DePauw followed with four.

Isaiah Baynes was the leader on the offensive side of the ball, striking for 12 kills at a .435 percentage, while Alves followed with 10 terminations. Krenz went 5-of-7 for a .714 percentage. DePauw added 32 assists to his total for the season, just short of the team total of 37 in the match.

The 3-1 Mustangs next take the court on February 2 in Dubuque, Iowa at Clarke University, with Morningside's first-ever JV men's volleyball match getting underway at 5 p.m. with varsity following at 7 p.m.