Erin Baker
Erin Baker
  • Title:
    Head Coach
  • Phone:
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Alma Mater:
    Morningside '17
  • Years at Morningside:


Erin Baker was named Morningside's head dance coach in 2022, returning to the dance program that she was a part of as a student. She is currently the board president of the Siouxland Civic Dance Association, and has placed a passion for growing dance involvement in Siouxland throughout her career.

Coaching Accolades

  • Choreographed 2022 Sergeant Bluff-Luton State Championship Routine

Dancing Accolades

  • 2014-15 NAIA Dance All-American
Before Morningside

Baker has led the Sergeant Bluff-Luton high school dance team for nine years, a time in which the program has had success competing at the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team Association annual competition.  Over nearly a decade, she has seen the team grow and gained experience choreographing routines and working with athletes to enhance their skills while building a team with strong bonds and a culture that emphasizes positive experiences for dancers and community outreach. 

Collegiate Career

Coach Baker graduated from Morningside in 2018, where she collected a Bachelor of Science in Business Managment.  Competing prior to the inclusion of Dance as an NAIA Championship sport, she was Morningside's first NAIA All-American for dance, receiving the honor in 2015.